Nello and Patrasche were all alone in the world. They counted the same number of years and yet one was very young and the other very old.
The little orphan boy and the big dog lived with Nello's old grandfather who took care of them lovingly. The two friends had a strong bond that no one could ever break. They spent day in day out with each other…

'Nello and Patrasche'
a moving story in music
and word
Nicole De Paepe is a pianist and composer with an impressive record.
She composes piano recitals with which she musically brings legends and stories in and around Antwerp to life.
Nello's Droom Genootschap and Nicole De Paepe take the audience into the world of Nello and Patrasche.
Nicole plays the piano.
Nello's Dream Society tells the story.
We have a version for families with children from 8 years and a version for adults.
Prices and conditions via​
or via the contact form on the website.
Would you like to attend a performance? Then take a look at the calendar.